Ajna ~ Brow Chakra ~ Third Eye Ajna or ‘Brow’ chakra is the sixth primary chakra in the body. The Sanskrit word Ajna translates as “to perceive,” “to be beyond wisdom,” “to command.” Our Third Eye centre is the most perceptive part of ourselves – it governs self-awareness, […]
Swadhisthana or Sacral chakra By Susan Ni Dhubhlaoich We continue our Journey through the Chakras moving upwards from our Root, our foundation, into Swadhisthana, our sacral chakra. Not sure what a ‘chakra’ or energy centre is? Read this post first. Swadhisthana, our second primary chakra, from the Sanskrit Swa meaning […]
By Ece Ozkan Meditation has become quite a buzzword yet there is still some mystery around it. Some of the common misconceptions include: You need to have a certain kind of training to meditate You need to be a Buddhist monk, go to a Vipassana Silent Retreat or spend […]
3 min read By Ece Ozkan In earlier posts I’ve written about the various dimensions of yoga such as pranayama (breathing) and asanas (yoga postures). In this post I’ll dig into meditation briefly. After a definition, we’ll talk about how meditation impacts/ changes your brain, and examples of online classes/ […]
4 minute read By Ece Ozkan How Yoga works? Picture this: you had a stressful day, body is tense and mind is just restless with a million thoughts. Feeling unmotivated and quite grim, you still set your foot on the yoga mat. 15 minutes later you are flowing and don’t […]
–3 min read– By Ece Ozkan If you are into holistic health you have probably heard about sound baths. Sound baths can be defined as a powerful sonic meditation that involves instruments like singing bowls, crystals and gongs. Given the first Sound Bath class at Mandala on March 1st, this […]