
4 posts

simple lifetstyle habits to improve yoga practice

Simple Daily Habits To Boost Your Yoga Practice

Read how embracing some simple daily habits can boost your yoga practice. Yoga is an exercise for the body and the mind. It combines postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to achieve relaxation while also strengthening the self. People do yoga for many reasons, such as flexibility, stress relief, and physical […]

Mandala Yoga Ajna Chakra

Ajna Brow Chakra

  Ajna ~ Brow Chakra ~ Third Eye Ajna or ‘Brow’ chakra is the sixth primary chakra in the body. The Sanskrit word Ajna translates as “to perceive,” “to be beyond wisdom,” “to command.”   Our Third Eye centre is the most perceptive part of ourselves – it governs self-awareness, […]