Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga

is often described as yoga for the joints. It is a slow-paced style of yoga with postures (asanas), that are held for long periods of time. More experienced yin practitioners might even stay in the same posture for five minutes or more. 

Yin yoga poses works by applying moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body and creating space in the joints. What are our connective tissues? These are the parts of the body that ‘connect’ or hold us together and include tendons, ligaments, bones and fascia.

Yin increases circulation into our joints and greatly improves flexibility. It’s also a more meditative style of yoga that cultivates awareness and the importance of inner silence. Yin yoga is a powerful antidote to our busy lives and restless minds. You’re guaranteed to leave calmer. And most students report back that they sleep much better.

We currently offer Yin  (and meditation) three times a week – Tuesdays 6.45PM | Thursdays 6.45pm | Sundays 5.30PM.

No yoga experience needed.

Book in for class.

yin yoga description


Yin yoga’s teaching in the Western world, beginning in the late 1970s, was founded by martial arts expert and Taoist yoga teacher Paulie Zink. It is now being taught worldwide, due in large part to the teaching activities of Yin yoga teachers and developers Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers.

Introduced to the modern yoga world largely through Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers, Yin is not intended as a complete practice in itself. Rather it is regarded as a complement to more active or dynamic (Yang) forms of yoga and exercise .


To better understand how yin yoga works, check out our blog on yin yoga, acupuncture and the meridian system.