Chakras and Energy Centres By Susan Ní Dhubhlaoich Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel or disc. Wheels are designed to move. And wheels move best when there is no friction. Not too flat. Not too pumped up. Just right! This is a brief introduction to your Chakra wheels or ‘Energy Centres’. […]
Understanding The Bandhas What are the bandhas in Yoga? A Bandha is a seal or a lock. The Sanskrit word Bandha means to harness or to tighten. Bandhas are known as energy locks because they lock lifeforce energy, known as prana, in the body. The prana then flows through the […]
Ajna ~ Brow Chakra ~ Third Eye Ajna or ‘Brow’ chakra is the sixth primary chakra in the body. The Sanskrit word Ajna translates as “to perceive,” “to be beyond wisdom,” “to command.” Our Third Eye centre is the most perceptive part of ourselves – it governs self-awareness, […]
Vishuddha – Throat Chakra By Susan Ni Dhubhlaoich As we move past Anahata – the heart chakra, our fourth energy centre, situated at the heart centre, the 3 upper primary chakras – Vishuddha (Throat Chakra), Ajna, Sahasrara – all located in the upper body, are concerned much more with the […]
Anahata – Heart Chakra By Susan Ni Dhubhlaoich The Heart chakra is situated in the centre of the chest at the height of the thymus gland (right behind the sternum). In Sanskrit this chakra is called Anahata, meaning ‘infinite’ ‘boundless’, ‘unhurt’ or ‘unstruck’, pure. Anahata is associated with love, compassion towards ourselves and towards others, gratitude. […]
Solar Plexus – Manipura By Susan Ni Dhubhlaoich The third of our 7 primary energy centres is the Solar Plexus. Also known as the Navel chakra (Manipura in Sanskrit) is located between the navel and the base of the sternum, just a couple of fingers above the belly button. Not […]
Swadhisthana or Sacral chakra By Susan Ni Dhubhlaoich We continue our Journey through the Chakras moving upwards from our Root, our foundation, into Swadhisthana, our sacral chakra. Not sure what a ‘chakra’ or energy centre is? Read this post first. Swadhisthana, our second primary chakra, from the Sanskrit Swa meaning […]
Muladhara – Root Chakra By Susan Ní Dhubhlaoich Now you know more about what chakras or energy centres are, let’s jump in and learn more about the first primary chakra: Muladhara. Not sure what a ‘chakra’ or the subtle body is, read this first.) Muladhara (or root) chakra is our grounding […]