Understanding The Bandhas What are the bandhas in Yoga? A Bandha is a seal or a lock. The Sanskrit word Bandha means to harness or to tighten. Bandhas are known as energy locks because they lock lifeforce energy, known as prana, in the body. The prana then flows through the […]
5 min read By Ece Ozkan There’s a positive correlation between the presence of anxiety/ stress and sleep issues. Since the pandemic started, I’ve heard so many of my friends complaining about their sleep problems. With the lockdowns all around the world, these issues have increased further. The majority of […]
3 min read By Ece Ozkan In earlier posts I’ve written about the various dimensions of yoga such as pranayama (breathing) and asanas (yoga postures). In this post I’ll dig into meditation briefly. After a definition, we’ll talk about how meditation impacts/ changes your brain, and examples of online classes/ […]
–6 Minute Read– By Ece Ozkan Mind, Body, Breath Life begins with one breath and ends with another. It’s not a mystery or magic (or maybe it is?) that our life depends on breathing. Yet does everyone breathe in a healthy way? I find it similar to eating, in a […]
4 minute read By Ece Ozkan What is Yoga? Taking its root from the Sanskrit root “yuj” meaning to bind, join, yoke, as well as union or communion, it is often attributed as “ disciplining of the intellect, the mind, the emotions, the will.” One of the authoritative sources on […]