Take Your Yoga Life Style to the Next Level Guest blog from Dana Brown You already know the importance of yoga to your overall well-being. Yoga improves your strength, balance and flexibility. It can ease back pain and the discomfort of arthritis as well as strengthen your heart. When practiced […]
Mandala Blogs
Chakras and Energy Centres By Susan Ní Dhubhlaoich Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel or disc. Wheels are designed to move. And wheels move best when there is no friction. Not too flat. Not too pumped up. Just right! This is a brief introduction to your Chakra wheels or ‘Energy Centres’. […]
Understanding The Bandhas What are the bandhas in Yoga? A Bandha is a seal or a lock. The Sanskrit word Bandha means to harness or to tighten. Bandhas are known as energy locks because they lock lifeforce energy, known as prana, in the body. The prana then flows through the […]
Muladhara – Root Chakra By Susan Ní Dhubhlaoich Now you know more about what chakras or energy centres are, let’s jump in and learn more about the first primary chakra: Muladhara. Not sure what a ‘chakra’ or the subtle body is, read this first.) Muladhara (or root) chakra is our grounding […]
4 minute read By Ece Ozkan What is Yoga? Taking its root from the Sanskrit root “yuj” meaning to bind, join, yoke, as well as union or communion, it is often attributed as “ disciplining of the intellect, the mind, the emotions, the will.” One of the authoritative sources on […]
Hello Mandala family! This is our first blog post, so I’ll make a short introduction to who I am, what will you find here and how frequent we’ll post 🙂 On me… I started practicing yoga the year I moved to Dublin for a tech company. I was lucky that […]